Mortal Angel

{the vulnerable scrawl that wants to be my novel for NaNoWriMo}

Sunday, October 31, 2004


the Plan:

such as it is. *giggles* for me to have *any* sort of plan for a story is like whoa, usually I just have a scene or a setting or general feel that I start with and things just sort of spin out from there..

What I want to do with this, is have a series of letters, maybe some as journal entries and things, from two apparently completely opposite characters. One is, as comes as no surprise, a Phisto*. *g* Not Mackie, at least I'm going to try to write it as a different Phisto, we'll see how it goes, there are doubtless going to be many, many similarities..but I want to try to break away from writing Mackie himself - I think it'll give me a little more freedom in terms of what he says, as well. (That, and if he gets suicidal or something, I won't cry as much. *cuddles Mackie*) The other a little less defined, at least so far. She's going to end up being similar to me, but I want to make clear the fact that she's *not* me. At least she's not supposed to be. *giggles* But she's a young woman, probably late teens, early 20s, something along those lines, who would never be anywhere *near* the dark, sensual decadence of the Phistos.
But through the course of things...I want to show their similarities, as well as the different ways they look at things. There's humanity in the phisto, there's angelic in the girl... so the title could just as easily apply to either.
I haven't decided yet if the two even know each other, if they'll ever meet or not, but for now, at least, they're existing seperately.

I think putting things in the form of letters and things will make it a lot easier on me, I think only two or three of my stories have ever cracked ten pages, and here I am attempting 500? *laughs softly* So this will break it up a little for me, and keep the story grounded very much in the characters, what they see and feel...and also give me an excuse not to have a clear and evident plot. Which's also good cos I'm miserable at plot. ^^;
I've a hunch, however, that these letters are going to be severly shuffled around when the month's over, and put into a much more logical order.. chances are, for now I'm just going to be writing on whatever comes to mind, then later, I'll put them in whatever sequence makes the most sense for the story. We'll see how I do though. *g*

Initially I was going to post each day all I occurs to me that that might not work so well if I work on a letter over two different days. So for ease of reading, I'll make each letter a new post, I think. The archive links will still be by each day, but you can always go to the recent posts thing to navigate through if you've missed one or two as well. (Unless I get reeeaaally ambitious and link to each letter in the side column instead of leaving the date archive listed out...that's probably more tedious work than I'll ever get around to, I'm afraid. ^^; )

So that's the gist of things, at least for now... as blogger now as built-in commenting, those are all set up, and will allow comments from aaaanyone, blogger user or not. (read: pleeeaaase leave me comments! *giggles* Not that I'm begging for feedback on every little bit, but if you see something that's cool or that you think could be done better, please don't hesitate to comment and mention it, I'm an insecure lil n00b of a writer who welcomes help. Not that I promise to always heed advice - as Laur, who's tried to reason with me while editing my stories, can tell you *giggles* - but I'll be glad for the suggestions anyway. ^_^)

...I'm really scared about all of this, writing so much is going to lead to a lot of it being complete shit, I'll be in an editing frenzy for mooonths after all this, but.. *laughs gently* At least it'll make me write a lot, and have a lot of things actually written out to work with. There are so many things I've thought of for Mackie, and the Phisto's realm, most of which turn up in some form in my notebooks (see my lj - whatever's in dark red is Phisto-related), but the majority of it's never spun out quite as fully as I'd like it to be.

So.. here goes. ^_^

* For any non-U2ans who stumble across this and need an explanation: In the early '90s, Bono had a character onstage by the name of Macphisto. Part Elvis, Satan, and Sintra, he was concieved as the devil in the form of the last rock star. He had pretty make-up and wore a ridiculous shiny gold suit onstage, with gold platform boots, and was both incredibly decadent and in control...yet vulnerable and, in his way, incredibly tragic. I completely fell in love with the character, and over the past few years, have sort of spun out my own interpretation of him and his story, drawing on Bono's performances, the stories on a (much-missed) website called The Macphisto Society, C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters, and basically anything I can get my hands on relating to angels and devils. In my version, at least, Mackie is a fallen angel, one of many, who chose to leave Heaven for the pleasures of Earth, to rule their own destinies for a change.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

::blinks:: Dude, this's the same template as the other new blog I've seen, Albert's. This one new?


8:13 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Yeah, this's a new template, was shown right on that main page when you're making a new blog and you pick a template. *g* Really, I hate using other peoples' work like this, but... it's better than what I'd make. *giggles*
(Does *not* load worth anything in Safari, though...this's the browser that Apple's OSX comes with, and it refuses to let text live annywhere but in the middle of a page anyway.. and doesn't like to load the nice white page on this. x_x; )

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, just thought you'd want to know that someone is sending out one of your posts in their spams to fool spam filters. I received some spam with a bunch of this post in an invisible comment field.

Here are the headers, with the angle brackets replaced since Blogger won't let me post them:

X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jF2ND5wuTo8Isr6dI8GoJbc
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Tue, 2 Nov 2004 06:48:01 -0800
Message-Id: 3f4jl1$
To: (removed my address)
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 06:08:43 -0800
From: D.ailyS.avers4U
Subject: start the fun - nintendoDS hand-he1d
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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Nov 2004 14:48:01.0334 (UTC) FILETIME=[F37FDD60:01C4C0EA]

Anyway, I don't know if you care about them doing this or not, but in case you do care, I thought I'd mention it and give you their address so you can write them a letter or something. I'll also forward the original email I received to you, if you'd like.

Pot of Gold Offers
18324 Oxnard Street #2
Tarzana, CA 91356

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6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

home equity loans

1:15 AM  

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